3 Must-Have Travel Photography Gears For Newbies

If you are a travel blogger or photographer, there are good chances that you may be looking for must-have travel photography gears. For new travel photographers and bloggers, it’s always difficult to decide in which gears to invest and which one to avoid. There’s no denying that the more gears you have, the better the travel pictures, but it always isn’t true. Starting with the basics such as a good lens and camera can provide you with some of the best pictures of the places you have been to. However, it’s always best to add more travel photography gear capture some specific shots and under specific conditions. 
travel photography gear

For people just beginning their careers in travel blogging and photography, here are some of the gears to invest in.

A Good Camera

If you are a beginner and capturing places using a digital camera, now is the time to invest in a good DSLR camera. For entry-level photographers, Nikon D5600 or Canon T6i can be a pretty good investment. Not only they are equipped with most of the features that high-end cameras have, but they are also budget-friendly and captures great shots. If talking about the video quality, they have auto-focus with 19 focal points to provide you better video quality. 


For traveler bloggers and photographers, the lens holds much more importance than a camera, and this is why it’s an essential travel photography gear that every photographer must-have. Invest in a good quality zoom lens or telephoto lens to capture landscapes and other places. These lenses allow you to take pictures of distant places such as mountains, rivers, and other attractions with ease. If you own a Canon camera, it’s best not to go with any third party lens and invest in the Canon lenses only for better durability and reliability. 


Well, this is another important gear that every travel photographer must-have. Holding the camera in one place, a tripod helps the cameramen to take a picture with stability and even with automatic mode. 

In a nutshell

If you are a new travel photographer, these are the travel photography gears that you must invest in.


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